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VST Discovery: Reign Design 1-Time

Tape Saturation Emulation
Platform: Mac - Intel & PPC
Format: Audio Units

Price: FREE!


I was feeling pretty bad that most great free plug-ins are only available for PC, so I went out of my way to post a Mac-only plug. Hopefully somebody will appreciate this!

1-Time is a simple but effective tape saturation plug-in developed by Reign Design. It smooths out cold digital tracks and adds a sense of weight to thin kick drums, bass guitar, and more. 1-Time couldn't be more simple to use, thanks to its one knob-one setting configuration. It is also mono-only, so it can only be used on things like kick and snare, bass and guitar, and vocals, not the stereo mix buss (the process that adds the individual channels together to create a stereo mix).

Reign Design not only makes AU plugins (Audio Units, Apple's plug-in format) plug-ins, but part of their business is also designing both custom and pre-made GUI's (Graphical User Interface). They even say that they'll design a GUI for free if you have an idea for a plug-in!

So, who's got a good idea?

Terminology review:

AU = Audio Units, Apple's built-in plug-in format.
GUI = Graphical User Interface
Stereo Mix Buss = the process that adds the individual channels together to create a stereo mix.

1-Time is free software


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